Android - TimeKeeper
For years, I've been a happy user of the Yamaha ClickStation metronome. I like it because it has support for playlists, which allows you to select the tempo of the next song by clicking one button, instead of reading it from a piece of paper and adjusting a dial. Another nice feature, is that you can reset the tempo. It will restart counting from the 1 immediately. I find this especially useful when another musician starts a song, and I have to adjust the metronome until it aligns with the rest of the band. It has two big downsides however. Editing playlists is really hard and counter-intuitive (I end up losing changes etc.). Another drawback is that you loose all data if you don't replace the battery in time (which confronts you again with drawback nr. 1, since you have to program it all over).
But these days, why not use an app for that? It should be a lot easier to edit playlists, and you don't loose any data if the battery is dead. Unfortunately, Yamaha only developed a ClickStation app for iPhone. I tried a few on Android, and I liked Drummer's Metronome the most, but none of them had the option to reset it while playing.
That's what lead me to building my own. Again a very minimalistic app, that only does what I need. You can choose the pitch and length of the click (a simple sine wave), but that's it. Getting the audio to react in real-time turned out to be the biggest challenge, and I can't help but feeling that the Android UI framework is more complicated than needed.
If anybody happens to appreciate the same features in a metronome as me, feel free to use it.